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Why did we go through this re-branding process?

When NASRF was started in 1916 as Planned Parenthood, it focused on contraception with the idea that it was a way to prevent pregnancies that were not affordable to lower income families. For many years, the focus was on contraception and abortion. 

NASRF now provides a much wider array of services and products for sexual and reproductive health, wellness, and freedom. 

We focus on all bodies, of all ages, with care for both the inside and the outside of the whole person.  While sex and reproduction CAN go together, it is no longer an automatic connection, and a person's agency over their own bodies and their own future is, as it should be, in their own hands. We support all choices when it comes to these decisions. 


NASRF (previously Planned Parenthood) continues to offer sex education, birth control, general wellness services, and to advocate for wellness, education, and inclusion for all bodies. Challenges within the legislative bodies are threatening organizations from being able to continue to offer safe abortions for women or hormone therapy for transgender clients. 


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What is a brand chart, and why do we use it? 

A brand chart is a visual tool used to define and communicate a brand's identity, values, and personality traits. It consists of several layers that outline key components of the brand, such as its mission, vision, target audience, and tone of voice. During the 1920s and 1930s, branding was becoming increasingly important, and the brand chart was a popular tool used by marketers to differentiate their brands from competitors. By using a brand chart, companies could establish a unique identity and ensure that all messaging and marketing efforts aligned with their brand's values and personality.

All future opportunities

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Further Expansion Possibilities

While we've provided some viable opportunities for expansion of the new NASRF brand, those examples are not entirely inclusive of all that we have imagined that could be a great fit for this brand. Below are additional ideas and concepts which could be implemented to further support, advance, and grow this organization.

List of all future opportunities


The Mariposa Home Test Kit

A home test kit that syncs with the mobile app to provide test results.  Planned Parenthood already has an app that includes nearby abortion and healthcare services, but this would be an additional bluetooth screening device that tests for HIV, STDs, Hormone Levels and more and sends the information to the app which then offers viable solutions as well as generates local venues where services are available.


Mission Focus

The Mariposa Home Test Kit reinforces our mission of empowering people to make their own choices about their own bodies and educating themselves on their own wellness care and services by providing home test kits for testing for various situations in the privacy of their own home. 






Unlike these other brands which test either overly specific conditions, or too broad-raning, this test is focused on all aspects of sexual and reproductive health, and you can customize your kit contents for exactly your needs, including a monthly membership.


The Mariposa
Vending Machines

Card operated (or Venmo) vending machines much like those at the airport to purchase or get free products, from condoms, pregnancyt tests, HIV tests, STD tests. Could connect to the NASRF App (PP app exists already)


Mission Focus

The Mariposa Vending Machines reinforce our mission of empowering people to make their own choices about their own bodies and educating themselves on their own wellness care and services,as well as providing education for all persons,  by providing access to education, information, advocacy and advancement  by providing access to products as well as educational and written material to individuals and families in discreet but public and easily accessible locations. 



iStore, SWYFT, Oregon Health & Science DNA kits, HealthyYou (snacks).  China has a condom vending machine. 



Unlike other vending machines, these machines would carry not only products such as home tests and some birth control, but informational pamphlets and other educational materials as well. 


NASRF Home Educator Kits

Even though there are existing Educator Kits for high schools or colleges, those existing kits are for educators. These new versions would be home kits for families and individuals, and would include expanded information to include trans and drag education for teens or young adults.

Mission Focus

The Home Educator Kits reinforce our mission of empowering people to make their own choices about their own bodies and educating themselves on their own wellness care and services, as well as providing education for all persons,  by providing access to products and educational material to individuals and families by delivering them to each home


Similarities,, birthcontroleducator kit, RESEI, ENASCO, SIECUS



Unlike these kits that are aimed mostly at organizations, schools, and facilities, these would be home kits for families and individuals to include an expanded population such as trans and drag as well as the primary demographic of youth and families.



The Mariposa

Mobile Van 

This is a mobile van service that can come to your home, town, school, and provides testing, educational services, materials needed for advocacy and products. This could either be branded on the outside, or NOT branded, for confidentiality.


Mission Focus

The Mariposa Mobile Van reinforces our mission of empowering people to make their own choices about their own bodies and educating themselves on their own wellness care and services, as well as providing education for all persons,  by providing access to services, products, testing, and education to individuals and families by delivering them to each home or to pop up events



BACHS SF, Biomed Central, Mayo Clinic Mobile vans, City of West Hollywood, Plan A Health



Unlike the other mobile vans, these would be available to come to a home, town, or school and would be focused on all areas of sexual and reproductive health, not limited to specific areas of need. 


The Ask the Expert Podcast 

This is regular podcast with hosts and regular guests of all ages and from all corners, answering questions and discussing topics that pertain to all areas, and at times that are designed at specific age-related issues. 


Mission Focus

The Ask the Expert Podcast reinforces our mission of empowering people to make their own choices about their own bodies and educating themselves on their own wellness care and services, as well as providing education for all persons,  by providing access to education, information, advocacy and advancement for individuals through a streaming platform such as Spotify, iTunes, or even YouTube. 



The Sexual Wellness Sessions, Sex Ed with DB, The Sex Wrap, Glow West, Ireland



Most of these podcasts are aimed either at conventional sex education for adults, or aimed at the more fringe population, but most of these do not aim at both, thereby denying the opportunity to speak to a wider range of listeners with cross over information for all. 


The Mariposa
onfidential Booth 

This is a booth like a photo booth where you can pop in and televisit with a NASRF counselor and discuss general questions, needs, health questions, limited counseling, through a televisit inside the booth, without leaving a traceable call on your phone. 


Mission Focus

The Mariposa Booth reinforces our mission of empowering people to make their own choices about their own bodies and educating themselves on their own wellness care and services, as well as providing education for all persons, by providing access to services, products, testing, and education to individuals in a private and discreet booth setting.



Talkbox Booth, Beckers Hospital Library Booths, St. Mary's Library Telehealth



There are very few of these, and most of them are aimed at general health. These would be specifically for sexual and reproductive health questions and concerns. Obviously, this would have limitations, especially for age-related issues, but ID could be inserted to confirm date of birth, and other security installed for HIPPAA compliance and age protection. 



Regularly scheduled webinars with hosts and meet the experts, offered through YouTube Live or Facebook or Instagram Streaming. Even Tik Tok or other services for the younger-related demo-graphic audiences. 


Mission Focus

The Webinars reinforce our mission of  empowering people to make their own choices about their own bodies and educating themselves on their own wellness care and services, as well as providing education for all persons, by providing access to education,information,  advocacy and advancement for individuals through social media platforms our YouTube Live.


Similarities, WHO Webinars,



There exist series of webinars aimed at specific audiences, but these webinars would be open for cross audiences.


The Mariposa Care Cafe and Connection. 

Cafes for connection and discussion, with private and confidential rooms off to the side for expert consulting. They would offer movie nights, game nights, drag shows, and become a local destination to increase popularity, acceptance, and visibility.


Mission Focus

The Mariposa Care Cafe's and Connections reinforce our mission of empowering people to make their own choices about their own bodies and educating themselves on their own wellness care and services, as well as providing education for all persons, by providing access to education,information, advocacy and advancement for individuals through social media platforms our YouTube Live.



Womens Business Network, Walk of Life Coaching, Equal Minded Cafes



Unlike cafe connection events for business or dating, these would be connection events specifically with topics aimed around sexual and reproductive wellness and health.


Zoom Support
Group Workshops
with Online Forums

Designed for connection and discussion, with breakout support rooms with specific designations


Mission Focus

Zoom Support Groups Online Forms reinforce our mission of empowering people to make their own choices about their own bodies and educating themselves on their own wellness care and services, as well as providing education for all persons,  by providing access to education, information, support, advancement and advocacy to individuals through a Zoom environment.


Similarities, Translifeline, Ourverity



There are plenty of Zoom support groups online, but almost none that cover the rainbow of topics from teen sex education to aging transgenders. This would be an all-encompassing range of topics.


The Mariposa Transit Bus Public Buses


These are specifically designed with branding and en route experiences, to include hosts, coffee, and selfie opportunities with celebrities


Mission Focus

Public transport buses reinforce our mission of empowering people to make their own choices about their own bodies and educating themselves on their own wellness care and services, as well as providing education for all persons,  by providing access to education, information, support and advocacy to individuals through public transportation. This is especially effective for those who use public transportation and in a lower income demographic.



Bluebird buses, Pegasus Transit, CoachUSA



These would be transit buses designed with branding and en route experiences, to include hosts, coffee, and selfie opportunities with occasional celebrities, serving lower income neighborhoods to increase awareness and acceptability.


Annual Mariposa Conference

 Annual Conferences (maybe East Coast/West Coast) with speakers, classrooms,  free wellness services, including massage, testing, raffle prizes, workshops, a dance, and live music. Valuable raffle prizes are intentional in order to attract those who might not otherwise be enticed to come.


Mission Focus

The Annual Mariposa Conferences reinforce our mission of empowering people to make their own choices about their own bodies and educating themselves on their own wellness care and services,as well as providing education for all persons,  by providing access to education, information, advocacy and advancement for individuals through in person conferences with workshops and live entertainment.



National Sexual Health Conference, National Sex Ed Conference, World Assocation for Sexual Health Conference



These would be offering much of the same information, but would take place in higher risk areas, and offer workshops, seminars and classes, but with events and a vibe that is more fun and playful to increase the sense of attraction and acceptance in more challenging communities. 


Community Paint-a-Mural 

The NASRF puts on a community paint a mural in small towns in order to expand awareness in a fun and community way through the arts. 


Mission Focus

These events empowering people to make their own choices about their own bodies and educating themselves on their own wellness care and services,as well as providing education for all persons,  by providing access to education, information, advocacy and advancement  by bringing together community members through an artistic activity that serves to beautify the town at the same time, using creative materials and stencils, while being hosted by a variety of persons in order to expand acceptance, visibility, access to products and services, and thereby creating a sense of familiarity.



City of West Hollywood Paint a Mural, Paint the Void, Sacramento District 4 Paint a Mural



Unlike other Paint a Mural events, these would be events that would take place in neighborhoods who might typically be less accepting, in order to gain visibility and participation in the community. Members of the community would decide on the mural in advance and people of all ages would participate in the event, bringing them together.


Mariposa eight week self-paced online class. 

These courses could be taken on any person's own time, on the road, while on the bus, learning about all things related to sexual and reproductive freedom. 

Mission Focus

These events reinforce our mission of providing activism, advocacy and education for all persons,  to increase every individual's sense of agency, regardless of age, income, or gender identity, for all persons, thereby promoting advancement and progress, by providing education at will for all who need or want it.



Udemy, skillshare, EdX, Masterclass



Unlike the existing online courses, these would be age-appropriate courses that could be taken by different age students on all topics related to sexual and reproductive wellness. 


Parks and Rec Classes

These would be offered through the community center, which would speak especially to those who use those services, those possibly with lower incomes and minorities, thereby expanding the awareness into those populations. 


Mission Focus

These events reinforce our mission of providing activism, advocacy and education for all persons, regardless of age, income, or gender identity, for all persons,  thereby promoting advancement and progress, by providing education to a community population that may be defined as needing the most access to information, products and services than most in higher income demographics.



County of Los Angeles Parks and Rec classes, San Francisco Recreation and Parks, any city park and recreation department.



Currently there is no evidence of a Parks and Rec sexual and reproductive health and wellness class so these would be entirely new. This would benefit both inner city demographics as well as rural areas, such as those who might be in 4-H.


NASRF & Uber or Lyft 

Partnering with Uber or Lyft would be a partnership ALSO based on some states legislation outlawing abortion, trans, and drag rights, and naturally serve the population that is traveling in order to get their needs met.


Mission Focus

Co-Branding with Uber or Lyft reinforce our mission of empowering people to make their own choices about their own bodies and educating themselves on their own wellness care and services, as well as providing education and promoting progress for all persons,  by providing education material, location and services directions, as well as providing transportation to get services and products they need.



UberEats, YellowCab, GrubHub



Right now the only co-branding is with food companies. This would be a new co-branding opportunity with either Uber or Lyft to partner with health organizations that provide transportation for medically sensitive needs. 




Partnering with AirBNB would be a partnership based on some states legislation outlawing abortion, trans, and drag rights, and naturally serve the population that is traveling in order to get their needs met.  


Mission Focus

Co-Branding with AirBNB reinforces our mission of empowering people to make their own choices about their own bodies and educating themselves on their own wellness care and services, as well as providing education and promoting progress for all persons,  by providing education material and directions, as well as a places to land and stay when getting the services and products they need.



The Yale Hotel (free stay for abortions), Lilith Clinic vouchers for traveling patients, AirBnB Experiences (currently only food or activities)



This would be a new venture for AirBNB who currently only partners with either food, retail, or outdoor experiences. .

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