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The National Alliance of Sexual and Reproductive Freedom (NASRF) empowers people to make their own choices about their own bodies and wellness care and services. 

We provide activism, education, and advocacy for agency and progress, for all persons, regardless of age, income, or gender identity. At our core, we believe every person should have access to choices that affect their body, their life, and their health. 

This ultimately means more vibrant and healthy persons, families, and communities. 

SX01 | The Mariposa Mobile Van  

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The mobile van can bring testing, services, education, and more to resential and commercial areas.
By delivering products, services, testing, and education, the van comes to the home of a person or family.

Mobile Van Service

This is a mobile van service that can come to your home, town, school, and provides testing, educational services, materials needed for advocacy and products. This could either be branded on the outside, or NOT branded, for confidentiality.

Mission Focus

The Mariposa Mobile Van reinforces our mission of empowering people to make their own choices about their own bodies and educating themselves on their own wellness care and services, as well as providing education for all persons,  by providing access to services, products, testing, and education to individuals and families by delivering them to each home or to pop up events


BACHS SF, Biomed Central, Mayo Clinic Mobile vans, City of West Hollywood, Plan A Health


Unlike the other mobile vans, these would be available to come to a home, town, or school and would be focused on all areas of sexual and reproductive health, not limited to specific areas of need. 

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A person gets her blood pressure checked before having blood drawn to test for conditions.

EX02 | Mariposa Community Volunteer Days  

Volunteers raise the NASRF banner while medical professionals prep for potential inquiries.
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Volunteers gain a sense of connection with the community and with each other

Volunteer Days

Volunteer days within communities to clean up, improve various neighborhoods and provide assistance and services on the spot. 

Mission Focus

These volunteer days experiences reinforce our mission of empowering people to make their own choices about their own bodies and educating themselves on their own wellness care and services, as well as providing education and promoting progress for all persons,  by bringing together communities in a shared effort to improve and encourage progress within a neighborhood.



Volunteer Match, AmeriCorps, Volunteers of America



Unlike other volunteer organizations, these would be piloted by local NASRF groups, and possibly with drag and trans participation, to foster greater visibility, acceptance, and connections within communities. 

Volunteers make new friends during these events

SX02 | The Ask the Expert Podcast  

A licensed therapist field questions and delivers educational content to listeners
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A panel of experts has a discussion on some of the latest topics that affect sexual and reproductive wellness


This is a regular podcast with hosts and regular guests of all ages and from all corners, answering questions and discussing topics that pertain to all areas, and at times that are designed at specific age-related issues.


Mission Focus

The Ask the Expert Podcast reinforces our mission ofempowering people to make their own choices about their own bodies and educating themselves on their own wellness care and services, as well as providing education and promoting progress for all persons,,  by providing access to education, information, advocacy, and advancement for individuals through a streaming platform such as Spotify, iTunes, or even YouTube.



The Sexual Wellness Sessions, Sex Ed with DB, The Sex Wrap, Glow West, Ireland



Most of these podcasts are aimed either at conventional sex education for adults, or aimed at the more fringe population, but most of these do not aim at both, thereby denying the opportunity to speak to a wider range of listeners with cross over information for all. 

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A podcast listener is taking notes
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